Letter to Local MP Re: continued closure of Massage Industry
Letter to Local MP Re: continued closure of Massage Industry
July 2020
Ms Felicity Buchan MP
Conservative MP for Westminster
Dear Ms Buchan MP,
I’m writing to you because I’m a massage therapist. I am writing to you to explain my current situation, as my industry (Beauty and Complementary Therapy industry) is delayed in offering services to the public.
There was a change of the rule of 2m distance for 1m-plus, to accommodate the hospitality sector. Why is the industry to which I belong, any different? We help people to walk, sort out their pains and aches and help people to feel less stressed and more emotionally balanced It seems crazy to me that getting drunk in a pub is safer than having a massage or any other therapy, i.e. contact with 1 person in a highly sanitised environment with the full use of PPE.
The other aspect of this is financial survival. I was forced to stop working in March, which I was very happy to do to support the national interest. The impact has been a financial disaster.
I patiently waited for Phase 3, when we were supposed to re-open, but a sudden change of direction from the government was another blow in an already challenging situation.
The fact that Mr Johnson recently summed up the collective Complementary Therapy industry, as ‘nail bars’ was insulting to everyone concerned. His lack of sensitivity, in what has been a challenging time for all of us, has angered me. There is no need to belittle people simply because they question or don’t agree with your plan of action. I was a huge supporter of the government and believed they were looking out for the nation. But now I feel let down and that all we have are over-paid, arrogant bullies leading the nation.
Therefore, I ask that you write to the Prime Minister and ask him to:
Value the Beauty and Complementary Therapies Industry by providing immediate clarity about when we are able to start working again.
Value this industry's contribution to the economy and well-being of the nation, by giving the official go-ahead sooner rather than later.
Thank you for your time
In good faith
Trusted Touch Therapies